Transpersonal Therapy approaches human experiences in a philosophical, alternative, spiritual way. Including fields such as mindfulness, meditation, semi hypnotic trance and visualizations. Transpersonal psychology reaches areas of inquiry in a way that no other approach does, because of it particular viewpoint and orientation.
Transpersonal psychology, together with its partner humanistic psychology, is pretty much the only approach that emphasises a psychology of the whole person in intimate relationship with an interconnected and evolving world. Giving value to, beyond the usual pattern of thinking and perceiving (trans), experiences and understating and using them as a powerful tool for transformation.
Transpersonal Therapy aims to balance mind, body and soul. It allows you to live your life consciously and joyfully. A Life crisis is seen as an opportunity for break-through and self-actualisation.
Transpersonal experiences generally have a profoundly transforming effect on the lives of those who experience them.
As it has been proved by many transpersonal disciplines, including Regressions, Family Constellations, Psychodrama, etc.… We are powerfully influenced to reproduce behavioural an emotional patterns which don’t belong to our actual life experience or our current desires, but more likely, to our family line of heritage, social and cosmic influences. Similar to an emotional, behavioural DNA, we carry a code and mechanically act it, creating a suffering circle of reactions, conducts and lack of success and fulfilment in our lives.
Transpersonal Psychotherapy aims bringing light and non-judgemental understanding to this processes so that we can live healthier, happier, more fulfilled lives. It brings skills and insights where a new life course can be set in motion. The results can be life changing.
Transpersonal therapy can help with
Who already have a broader understanding of how the whole can influence our action, thinking and feeling.
Those who have tried other more rational approaches without results
Conflict, Addictions, Phobias
General deeper awareness
Anguish or Panic
Low Self-Esteem
Post-traumatic Stress
Personal skills
Communication skills
Mobbing and Bullying
Career Guidance
Decision making
What to expect
A transpersonal Therapy session is set in a pleasant, safe environment. I will use a diversity of creative practises to facilitate your access to an amplified mindful state of consciousness where to expand and develop your understanding of how, past experiences might have shaped and might be influencing your actual capacity of responding to life and achieving your goals. You will be encouraged to share and reflect on your insights in order to relevantly redesign your present moment.
The duration of the session fluctuates from 1 hour and 1 hour and 30 minutes.
The length of the process will adapt to your needs, depending on the matter and your commitment. Transpersonal Therapy insights integration settles profoundly, a normal process would be estimated to last for 4 to 6 month.
All Therapy sessions can also be set up as a Skype session.